J-ftpd [The Java FTP Daemon]pasv list user pass type retr stor stou rein cdup syst noop smnt acct quit port stru help mode allo rnfr allo rnto abor dele site nlst stat rest | ||
What is J-ftpdJ-ftpd is a multiplatform FTP server written in Java. The goal is to develop an FTP server that complies with the official (RFC 959) FTP specifications. For more detailed information about the J-ftpd project, see the Sourceforge project summary. To get aquainted with the J-ftpd design, see the design document.Pre-alpha status
J-ftpd releases
Getting the sourcesAt the moment there are no releases available because J-ftpd is still in pre-alpha state. A bleeding edge tester can, however, checkout the CVS repository with the latest sources. You can also view the CVS repository by going to Sourceforge's ViewCVS. Downloading the repository with a Unix commandline CVS client:# cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/j-ftpd/ checkout Jftpd If you are using another CVS client: protocol :pserver: username anonymous hostname cvs.sourceforge.net cvsroot /cvsroot/j-ftpd/ module Jftpd RFC 959 (File Transfer Protocol)This official FTP specification consists of the following sections: | ||
Copyright (c) 2004, The J-ftpd team - All rights reserved |