J-ftpd [The Java FTP Daemon]

pasv list user pass type retr stor stou rein cdup syst noop smnt acct quit port stru help mode allo rnfr allo rnto abor dele site nlst stat rest


   [1]  Feinler, Elizabeth, "Internet Protocol Transition Workbook",
        Network Information Center, SRI International, March 1982.

   [2]  Postel, Jon, "Transmission Control Protocol - DARPA Internet
        Program Protocol Specification", RFC 793, DARPA, September 1981.

   [3]  Postel, Jon, and Joyce Reynolds, "Telnet Protocol
        Specification", RFC 854, ISI, May 1983.

   [4]  Reynolds, Joyce, and Jon Postel, "Assigned Numbers", RFC 943,
        ISI, April 1985.

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