J-ftpd [The Java FTP Daemon]pasv list user pass type retr stor stou rein cdup syst noop smnt acct quit port stru help mode allo rnfr allo rnto abor dele site nlst stat rest |
7. TYPICAL FTP SCENARIOUser at host U wanting to transfer files to/from host S: In general, the user will communicate to the server via a mediating user-FTP process. The following may be a typical scenario. The user-FTP prompts are shown in parentheses, '---->' represents commands from host U to host S, and '<----' represents replies from host S to host U. LOCAL COMMANDS BY USER ACTION INVOLVED ftp (host) multics<CR> Connect to host S, port L, establishing control connections. <---- 220 Service ready <CRLF>. username Doe <CR> USER Doe<CRLF>----> <---- 331 User name ok, need password<CRLF>. password mumble <CR> PASS mumble<CRLF>----> <---- 230 User logged in<CRLF>. retrieve (local type) ASCII<CR> (local pathname) test 1 <CR> User-FTP opens local file in ASCII. (for. pathname) test.pl1<CR> RETR test.pl1<CRLF> ----> <---- 150 File status okay; about to open data connection<CRLF>. Server makes data connection to port U. <---- 226 Closing data connection, file transfer successful<CRLF>. type Image<CR> TYPE I<CRLF> ----> <---- 200 Command OK<CRLF> store (local type) image<CR> (local pathname) file dump<CR> User-FTP opens local file in Image. (for.pathname) >udd>cn>fd<CR> STOR >udd>cn>fd<CRLF> ----> <---- 550 Access denied<CRLF> terminate QUIT <CRLF> ----> Server closes all connections. |
Copyright (c) 2004, The J-ftpd team - All rights reserved |